ME students rejoice Children’s Day in a ‘special way’

The kids of Chaithanya Special School, Kunnamkulam were enthusiastic when they celebrated their Children’s Day filled with joy and fun with the students from ME Dept.

This year, the students from ME Dept organised their charity event ‘Pranathi’ on 14 November 2023 with the inmates of Chaithanya Special School.Chaithanya Special School for the mentally Challenged children is run by Bala Sahaya Samithi, Kunnamkulam.

In a quest to make the day special for them, the students conducted different activities . The students of the ME Dept along with Mr Anil Paul (Asst Prof, ME Dept) Mr Dinil Babu (Asst Prof, ME Dept ) engaged the activities and turned a perfect occasion to celebrate and appreciate the differently able children with all their unique qualities, abilities and talents.A delightful cake-cutting ceremony was also arranged to convey their fondness . To enable and empower the children, they extnded their help in terms of money as well .

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty appreciation to the entire ME Dept on this kind gesture that encourages creativity, social skills and physical well-being and bring a smile to the children’s faces !!!