It’s never too late to learn : A retired revenue inspector, Ms Anita has embarked on a new educational journey as a Civil Engineering student

Ms Anitha N K (S1, CE Dept) has just proved the same.

Passion to the field of Civil Engineering

After five years of service in the field of education, she transitioned into the role of a revenue inspector in the LSGD division of the Thrissur Corporation.In this position, she played an integral part in local governance, contributing significantly to the efficient functioning of the municipal corporation.
This is when she started developing an interest for Civil Engineering. She started taking online classes months before her retirement to prepare for the entrance examination. It was in the year 1984 that she had completed Predegree and now she is in a class with students who had just completed plus two. Ms Anitha had the privilege of retiring as an employee in the month of March and then joining as an engineering student in the month of May.

Testament to the power of ultimate learning and resilience

Support from family members

‘I am happy and satisfied with the support and encouragement received from the Principal, teachers and classmates. I have seen the difficulties being faced by common people for preparing the plan and estimate for the house they have been allocated by the government has a dream. My intention is to provide them these services for free’ – says Anitha

‘Ms Anitha’s story serves as an inspiration to all of us, reminding us that it is never too late to learn and grow. Her unwavering commitment to education and her remarkable ability to adapt and thrive in new environments are qualities that we can all aspire to inculcate’ – shared Dr Abhilasha P S (HoD, CE Dept) and Dr Anjali P S (Asso Prof, CE Dept) .

‘Students like Anita are a testament to the power of lifelong learning and the limitless possibilities that turn up with bounding new opportunities’ added Dr Saji C B ( Principal).

Print and Visual Media coverage

The inspiring story of Ms Anitha has been prominently reported both in the print and visual media. This news appeared in almost all important Malayalam and English daily newspapers include The Indian Express, Mathrubhumi, Kerala Kaumudi, Deshabhimani and also in the CCTV television channel.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulations to Ms Anitha on this incredibly inspirational lifelong learning decision and wishing all the best to mark a true testament to the power of lifetime learning and the limitless possibilities that come with embracing new horizons .!!!
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