CE Faculty Member and Vidya students publish paper in International Journal

Vidya Faculty Members develop every approach to get a place into the research publication and growth.

It is with huge pride and joy, the Dept of CE to share the delightful news of the publication of the paper titled ” Study on Shear Strengthening of Beams Aided By Geopolymer” in the International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (UGC Care – UGC Approved Journal No: 49023 (18)), ISSN: 2320-2882,Volume 12 | Issue 1 | January 2024 pages g358-g365. This research is associated with B.Tech project conducted by students Akshaya M A (S8, CE Dept), Fathima Kulzum N A (S8,CE Dept) , Athul V M (S8,CE Dept), Beslin Biju (S8,CE Dept),  under the guidance of Mr. Kiran Babu A R (Asst Prof, CE Dept) .

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulations to all on this commendable attainment that brings a platform for the addition of research and scholar brains !!!