Hearty congratulations to Dr Shameem S on her hard-earned Doctorate Degree

Earning a doctorate degree is considered as a big stepping stone towards a scholastic bright prospect that need an incredible amount of hard work and commitment.

It is with great pleasure and honor that the Dept of CSE is sharing the news that, Dr Shameem S, (Asst Prof, CSE Dept) has successfully defended her PhD thesis titled “Performance Analysis Of Distributed Raman Amplifier In DWDM Communcation Systems”. The rigorous session took place on 16 February 2024 in front of an esteemed panel of experts at the VIT Chennai.

The research was conducted under the guidance of Dr Sivasubramanian A (Professor at HAG, SENSE, VIT Chennai). Dr Shameem’’s dedication, perseverance, and insightful research have culminated in a significant contribution to the field of communication Engineering Following the successful defense, the examination board has recommended her for the award of the PhD degree. This achievement marks a significant milestone in her academic journey and reflects her commitment to advancing sustainable and impactful engineering solutions.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulations to Dr Shameem on this proud accomplishment and wishing her all the very Best to reach the pinnacle of your scholastic career filled with new perspective and great milestones !!!