CE Dept oraganizes Technical Lecture & Demonstration on Post Buckling of Composite Shells

With an aim to provide valuable insights to the Finite Element (FE) analysis of post-buckling, the Dept of Civil Engineering in association with ISTE Students’ Chapter, VAST organized a technical lecture and demonstration on “Post Buckling of Composite Shells” on 04 March 2024. Dr R Ramesh Kumar (Former Head, Honeycomb Product Development Division, VSSC) served as the resource person.

Faculty members and M Tech students of Structural engineering division of Civil departments attended the lecture. The resource person was introduced by Dr Abhilasha P S (HoD, CE Dept). The technical talk was well received by the attendees and students expressed their feedback and acknowledgment after the session. Ms Nisha Varghese (Asst Prof, CE Dept) and M Tech Programme Co-ordinator) proposed vote of thanks

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty appreciations to the entire CE Dept on the successful conduct of the session that facilitates an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of technology and a comprehensive insight !!!