CE Faculty member and students publish paper in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

The students from CE strive for significant contributions to the field of construction by enhancing sustainability, durability and eco-friendliness

It is with much honor and pride, the Dept of CE is sharing the news that, S8 civil students published a paper in International Research Journal. The technical paper authored by Krishna Bhadran P S (S8, CE Dept), Nandan K V (S8, CE Dept) and Sreeranjini Sreekumar (S8, CE Dept) has been published in the International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET) , Volume 11 ,Issue 05, May 2024.

The paper is available at https://www.irjet.net/volume11-issue05 The study explored the effects of graphene oxide on concrete properties. Investigating compressive strength, tensile strength, and permeability with an aims to boost sustainability, durability, cost-effectiveness, and in construction. The paper was the outcome of their final year project under the guidance of Ms Seetha Pisharikkel (Asst Prof, CE Dept).

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty appreciations to Ms Seetha, Krishna Bhadran, Nandan and Sreeranjini on this creditable accomplishment that steers in significant expansion , prospects and wider horizon in construction field !!!