CSE Dept organizes workshop on “Introduction to Data Science for Engineers using Python”

The Dept of Computer Science & Engineering has been organizing several  workshops/ Hands on Training programs to provide hands on experience for diploma students from various polytechnic colleges.

With an aim to focus on the basics of Data Science, The Dept of CSE organized one day workshop on “Introduction to Data Science for Engineers using Python” on 27 February 2024 for Diploma students. Afternoon session navigated through the Infosys Spring board e-learning platform. More than 50 students registered from different polytechnic colleges, including GPTC Kunnamkulam and MTI Thrissur. The session was handled by Dr Ramani Bai V (Prof and HoD, CSE Dept) and Ms Thulasi Rajan K (Asst Prof, CSE Dept).

Dr Ramani Bai V (Prof and HoD, CSE Dept) welcomed all dignitaries and participants. Dr Saji C B (Principal) inaugurated the workshop and delivered inaugural and presidential address. Dr Ramani Bai V given a brief overview of the workshop. Ms Lalini K U (Trade Instructor, CSE Dept) delivered vote of thanks

After that a feedback session was arranged. Students shared their experience and marked positive responses about the workshop. Dr Ramani Bai presented memento to Ms T h u l a s i R a j a n K . A memento was presented to Dr Ramani Bai V  by Ms Thulasi Rajan K . Students were awarded with e-certificate for their participation. Ap a r t f r o m t h i s 38 students successfully completed their Infosys spring board certification course on “ Introduction to Data Science”.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty appreciations to Dr Ramani Bai, Ms Th u l a s i R a j a n  and the entire CSE Dept on the successful conduct of the workshop that facilitates the participants master an innovative tool, practice and develop existing skillfulness in data analysis and visualization !!!