Admin Dept hosts warmhearted retirement gathering to Ms Bindu (Receptionist cum Office Assistant)

Retirement marks a significant milestone, a moment worthy of celebration and reflection. Ms Bindu K S (Receptionist cum Office Assistant) who involves witnessing the entry and departure of colleagues and students, retired from Vidya on 31 May 2024.Ms Bindu started her career in  Vidya on  01 October 2015.A retirement party that captured the spirit of this special occasion was hosted by Administration office on 30 May 2024.

The farewell began with a speech by Dr Sunitha C (Principal), who congratulated Ms Bindu for her keenness and hard work. Mr Santhosh C (Office Superintendent) mentioned about Ms Bindu’s contributions to Vidya, particularly her role in attending and redirecting enquires well on time.Ms Bindu EVR (Junior Superintendent), Mr Sadanandan P K (Vehicle Supervisor) and the administrative staff members spoke on the occasion and recollected her work ethics and other useful character traits that aid her perform more efficiently in her role.

The Dept presented gifts, in recognition of her years of service to the college. The function brought in some joyful moments and offered well wishes for the next stage of her journey.

Ms Bindu was evidently moved by the function and expressed her thankfulness to everyone who attended. She also thanked the college administration for their support over the years.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending solemn gratefulness to Ms Bindu on her steadfast commitment to the pursuit of command that acted as a catalyst to take Vidya to a greater pinnacle with sincere and devoted prospect. Happy retired life !!!