Campus Nakshatra Vanam Cleanliness Drive by NSS Volunteers

To make a positive change in the campus, the NSS volunteers conducted a Cleanliness Drive on 20 August  2024.

The cleaning and beautification works in college campus were performed by the NSS volunteers. Nakshatra Vanam and  sitting areas  made from recycled materials were cleaned. A total of 30 volunteers participated in the activities.

NSS Volunteer Secretaries co-ordinated these activities. All the volunteers were actively involved and able to complete the activities successfully. The programme was conducted under the guidance of Mr Rajesh S K (NSS Program Officer and Asso Prof, EEE Dept) and Mr Renjith E R (NSS Programme Officer and Asst Prof, ME Dept) .

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty appreciation to the NSS volunteers on this creditable act that as a testimony for the reflective guarantee towards the model of environment reinforcement !!!