ME Dept bids farewell to Mr. Alex Chako C (Asst Prof, ME Dept)

An event that brought together the entire ME department to celebrate Mr. Alex’s contributions and wish him well in his new career path.

A warm farewell function was arranged on 06 September 2024 to Mr Alex Chako C (Asst Prof, ME Dept) who is transitioning from academia to research as he embarks on a Ph.D. journey.

The gathering was marked by a series of warm tributes from colleagues and friends. The ceremony commenced with a formal welcome, where attendees expressed their admiration and gratitude for Mr. Alex’s impactful career in teaching and research.During the event, several staff members took the stage to share their experiences and express their appreciation

The attendees who spoke on the occasion reminisced his contributions significantly to the field of new knowledge with the perceptive sessions including that of that Career Guidance expert, resource person for various sessions, FDPs inside and outside the institution. that made many students enthused.His departure marks the beginning of a new chapter, but his legacy of excellence and mentorship will remain a cherished part of the department’s history.

Mr. Alex was presented with a commemorative gift, symbolizing the department’s gratitude and best wishes for his future endeavors. The gift, carefully chosen, served as a reminder of his time at the institution and the positive impact he made on his colleagues and students.The ceremony concluded with a luncheon, providing an opportunity for informal interactions. The relaxed atmosphere allowed staff members to personally convey their goodbyes and well-wishes to Mr.Chako, further attractive the celebratory spirit of the occasion.

All the Best Mr Alex !!!