KDISC KKEM Regional Mentors Workshop

Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission (KKEM), is an initiative of Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (K-DISC) with an aim to create jobs for the educated by transforming Kerala into a Knowledge Society that produces, consumes and transacts knowledge for the benefit of its own social and economic development. Over the next four years, the Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission aims to provide gainful employment to 20 lakh people in various sectors and job fields. The Knowledge Economy Mission aims to use digital technologies as an enabler to create new knowledge that can be used to solve contemporary and future social problems, foster sustainable development, and foster intellectual growth.
As part of this initiative, KKEM has designed a unique demand-based project named “Project Lighthouse” in partnership with globally renowned online skill providers – LinkedIn, Coursera. The objective of this initiative is to impart placement linked skill training to a selected set of final year students through Talent Accelerator Programme.
Talent Accelerator Programme is designed to equip final-year students from Higher Education Institutions with the specific skills and competencies required for in-demand job roles across knowledge sectors. These Talent Accelerator Programme shall offer job role specific intense three-month programmes to students of Higher Education Institutions. K-DISC proposes to set up a Talent Accelerator in 40 emerging knowledge domains. Under these domains, three levels of Talent Accelerator Programmes are being envisaged: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. As part of the Talent Accelerator Programme a one day orientation program was held for the faculty members who are designated as mentors for the final year students in their career journey.
The fourth such regional workshop was hosted by Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur on 10 January 2025, was attended by over hundred mentors from across various higher education institutions in the state.The workshop began with a brief inaugural function which was presided by Dr. Sunitha C (Principal, Vidya Academy of Science and Technology). Mr Riyaz P M (Executive Director, KDSIC) delivered the inaugural address and inaugurated the one day regional mentors workshop. Resource persons from KDSIC, KKEM, LinkedIn, and Coursera handled the orientation sessions and cleared the doubts during the question answer session.