She traveled alone to Thrikarippur and grabbed a job offer from Robosoft Technologies!

Let there be more girls more courageous than Prathyusha  in Vidya’s campus!

Congratulations to Prathyusha R Das (S7 B Tech ECE-B) who has been placed with Robosoft Technologies Ltd, an Udippi based company founded in 1996 and has top clients including Apple, Paytm, Vodafone, HP, ESPN, NDTV, Logitech, etc. With an eligibility criteria of 7 CPGA and no standing backlogs from B Tech (CSE, ECE, EEE) and MCA batches, 45 students of Vidya were eligible to participate in the selection process held at College of Engineering, Thrikaripur through ICT Academy of Kerala. When, they realized that Thrikaripur is in Kasagarcode district, all but one student participated. Only Prathyusha showed the courage to travel and attend a multi-round selection process and was awarded with a well deserved placement offer.


