Wednesday-AI discusses Datix Hackathon challenges

Wednesday-AI is an initiative of AI Club VAST under Vidya Centre for AI and Research (VCAIR). AI Club VAST is a community of AI enthusiasts and learners who share a passion for the world of Artificial Intelligence. It provides a platform for them to meet and learn from each other while building solutions for real-world problems.

Week 2 of the Wednesday-AI session was held on 3 October 2019 at the Advanced Computing Lab from 4:30 PM to 6:15 PM. The session was held on the topic “Solution for the World Class ML Challenge in Datix Hackathon” along with sharing of useful tips for ML projects by the First Prize Winners.

The resource persons handling the session were Mr Vishnu Prasad, Mr Nikhil PS and Mr Rohit Nair (Vidya CSE Alumni – 2019 passed out) who were placed at Datix Analytics, USA for their outstanding performance in the Hackathon conducted by Datix at Vidya last year.

The session was introduced by Mr.Rahul Vincent S7 B Tech ECE and the resource persons were introduced by their mentor Mr Ravishankar S. The team presented their prize-winning solution to the members of the AI Club of Vidya aand explained how they approached the problem and what methods were implemented to reach an outcome with the highest accuracy. The trio also gave the students tips on how to breakdown any ML-based problem and arrive at a solution.

About 65 students from various branches, who participated  in the session got benefitted by the session. The session was concluded by Dr Ramani Bai V, Head-VCAIR, and Mr Ravishankar S, Technical Lead-VCAIR, presented mementos to the resource persons.
