MindSparkZ Season II Episode 2 : Prize distributed
Mr Razal Hashim (s4 B Tech (ME – A)) was the winner of the online quiz MindSparkZ Season II Episode 2. The quiz was organised by the students of S3 MCA class as part of the decennial celebrations of the Department of Computer Applications and was open to all students of the College. The quiz questions were open for submission of answers at 1.30 pm on 24.03.2017 and closed at 1.30pm on 26.03.2017. As many as 33 students submitted answers.
The winner of the quiz was awarded a cash prize of Rs.1000 and a Certificate in a joyous function organised during the lunch break in the main entrance foyer of the College on 04.04.2017. Dr. V.. Krishnachandran, Head of Department of Computer Applications, distributed the prize and Certificate.