Introducing Python to 6th and 7th standard students, beautifully!

The concept was innovative: Teaching computer programming to school children  studying in 6th and 7th grades! the choice of the language was highly relevant: Python! The participants were enthusiastic and eager to learn! The setting was perfect! At the end of the programme, it turned out that the delivery of classes was of supreme quality highly appreciated by all the students!

Some of the participants with resource persons

This was what was reported about a novel venture of the Vidya Talent Centre (VTC), organised jointly with the MCA Dept, recently. It was essentially a programming skill enhancement programme titled “Introduction to Python” for the school children from abroad and Kerala. The program envisioned grooming the programming talents of junior school students belonging to 6th and 7th grades and was conducted in the online mode using Google Meet platform during 5 -12  April 2021. The sessions were handled by Ms Salkala K S and Ms Siji K B, both Assistant Professors in the MCA Dept.  Each session was of one hour and a half duration and was held every day during 7.30 – 9.00 pm. The programme obtained wide appreciation from both the participants and  parents alike for the effective delivery of the course content in a beginner oriented style.





