Vidya’s Server Administrator gets appreciation from unexpected quarters!

Vidya’s Server Administrator Mr Shali K R is an ardent fan of the Canva software which is a graphic design platform, used to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents and other visual content. He has been making use of the features available in this software to create those amazing and beautiful pictures that adorn as the feature images in the news reports that appear in the pages of the News & Events. He has even completed an online course on Canva to gain in depth knowledge about the software.

Recently, the Canva company sent Mr Shali a personal mail thanking him for his support and for creating as many as 1655 designs using the software. Wow! 1655 designs!! Mr Shali himself was not making a count of the many, many designs he has been creating using Canva. But, the company was!

Let us rejoice in Mr Shali’s joy at receiving a recognition from unexpected quarters! Let us all put on record our appreciations for Mr Shali for all the great efforts he has been taking in making this News & Events what it today: A news portal of truly international quality and standards.
