KTU appointed External Auditors conduct first academic audit for the current semester

To ensure precise execution of academic activities in colleges affiliated to the Kerala Technological University (KTU), the University conducts regular academic audits for all affiliated colleges. As part of this regular activity, the KTU conducted the first academic audit (2023 even semester) of the college for the current semester (2022-23).

Two external auditors deputed by KTU visited to Vidya on 20 July 2023. The auditors examined the academic functioning of the college and confirmed all allied documents. They have also interacted with the students and faculty members. Academic functioning of the college encircling students, staff members and administration with respect to discipline, academic atmosphere, learning environment, and achievements and benchmarking etc were well inspected.

Dr Susanth C (KTU /IAC /IQAC Co-ordinator and Asso Prof, App Sc Dept) and Dr Sreedevi A (KTU/ IAC /IQAC Co Co-ordinator and Asst Prof, App Sc Dept) co-ordinated the activities for the smooth conduct of the auditing.

The Editorial Team of News & Events extends hearty appreciations to all the members of staff for their immense support on the smooth conduct of the auditing that exemplifies quality and excellence !!!