EEE Dept conducts FDP on ‘National Education Policy: Quality enhancement and reforms in Higher Education Institutions in alignment with NAAC’

The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) is planning to align the assessment and accreditation process in higher education with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.National Education Policy 2020 states that quality enhancement plays a vital role in Higher Education Institutions in alignment with NAAC.

National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) has brought in new spirit into its process of assessment and accreditation. The mandate of NAAC as reflected in its vision statement is in making quality assurance an integral part of the functioning of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). It was felt that training on NAAC perspective is vital to keep an institute competitive and more productive. Three day ISTE and IE sponsored hybrid FDP “National Education Policy: Quality enhancement and reforms in Higher Education Institutions in alignment with NAAC” was conducted by Electrical and Electronics Engg dept of Vidya in collaboration with IQAC, VAST during 01-03 February 2024.

In day 1,Program began with silent prayer at 6.00 pm. Then Dr. Mary P Varghese, HoD dept of EEE welcomed the chief guest and the audience.Dr.Saji C B presided over the function and Dean Academics Dr.Sudha Balagopalan introduced the chief guest Dr.Suby Babywas our key resource person.Inauguration of the FDP was done by Dr Suby Baby (Assistant Professor, PG and Research Guide, Dept of Commerce, Nirmala College Muvattupuzha).Dr. Suby mentioned about the need of aligning NEP 2020 with NAAC framework. She also spoke about the importance of NAAC and quality education. Following the inaugural addressMr. Suresh Lal, Executive Director,VAST and Dr.Sunitha C ,Vice Principal VAST delivered felicitations.The inaugural session concluded by vote of thanksby Ms Neenu Thomas (Asst Prof, D EEE ept).

After the official inaugural ceremony, the resource person detailed about the new process of NAAC and the documentation work to be prepared for NAAC.She guided the participants about criterion 1 and its requirements. In that she explained the curricular aspect strategies to achieve a good score, where she said, for achieving this a goal needs to be set. One should through the NAACmanualand understand it thoroughly and even read SSR of few colleges for reference and make your strategies according to your conveyance draft rough SSR and go for mock audit. Some major requirements highlighted for achieving this are: team work, enthusiasm, high energy levels,hard work and smart work, document collection and its proper recording, positive attitude towards NAAC accreditation, motivation and activation of all the stakeholders etc. She cleared all the doubts raised by the participants. Dr Suby explained each and every key factors with proper examples which they followed in her institution. Session came to an end by 8.45 pm.

In Day 2 of FDP, resource person discussed the special importance of criterion II in the assessment of the quality of an affiliated college. NAAC has the highest weightage (350 out of 1000) out of all the seven assessment criteria.She focused on the various teaching-learning and evaluation methodologies of the institution. The session highlighted all the aspects of criteria II of the NAAC accreditation process especially the demand ratio, mentoring process, academic calendar, examination, evaluation, and results. She briefed on the importance of presenting the assistance provided for slow learners and the guidance given to advanced learners thus highlighting the unique practice of the department during the department presentation. Resource person also pointed out the advanced teaching and learning methods adopted by the faculty such as experiential learning, participative learning and other self-learning methods which can be used to make teaching and learning simple and effective.

She also briefed on how CO attainment is measured through skill development and the academic performance of the students. The student satisfaction survey of NAAC was also highlighted during the session. The session was very informative and interactive. During afternoon session,she discussed about the Criterion III in detail. While presenting the Criterion-III, Research, Innovation and Extensions, Dr.Suby Baby, the resource person touched upon the key indicators of Research, Innovation and Extension Activities. Talking about the urgent need to publish research papers and books, she requested to the faculty members to enrich their research component. She also suggested the ways to improve the extension activities of the college such as, blood donation camp.

In forenoon session, our speaker delivered a session on the Criterion-IVof NAAC, infrastructure and learning resource. She focused on the four key indicators namely: physical facilities, library as learning resource, IT infrastructure and maintenance of Infrastructure. After suggesting the important points to augment and maintain of physical and IT facilities, she sorted the queries of faculty members in the interactive session. During afternoon session,the resource person presented Criterion-V, student support and progression. She explained the key indicators and laid stress upon the documentation of the activities of various committees, clubs, and Societies with a special reference to SPARSH and Anti- Ragging Cell. Following the presentation, the interactive session brought about suggestions by the faculty members.

In day 3 of FDP, she delivered her talk on Criterion-VI, Governance, Leadership and Management. She focused on the point that regular interaction should take place between teaching and the supporting staff. She emphasized upon the role decentralization and explained the strategic plans, financial management and resource mobilization. The talk was followed by interactive session in which faculty members discussed on main points of the criterion. After tea break,she guided the faculties about criterion VII in detail and the requirements of that criterion.She pointed out the measures to be taken for ensuring (a) Gender equity promotion programmes, (b) Its sensitivity to issues like climate change and environmental issues, (c) How it is following environment-friendly practices, (d) Measures taken for energy conservation, (e) Rainwater harvesting details, (f) Waste treatment methods etc.She also emphasized the importance of Green campus initiatives in our esteemed institution and the way of making awarenessamong students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: such as values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens. She pointed out the significance of two best practices successfully implemented by the Institution as per NAAC format with proper examples. Resource person also suggested some institutional distinctiveness in some areas. She also mentioned the role of IQAC and explained how IQAC can be the nerve centre of an institution. The talk ended with an exuberant interactive session which was followed by the valedictory session of the programme.

After the formal welcome, Dr Saji C B (Principal, VAST) and Dr Sudha Balagoplan (Dean – Academics) honoured Dr Suby by presenting a memento and certificate. Following the feedback on FDP given by Dr.Jeeva K A (NAAC Coordinator, Prof, ECE Dept) and Dr Siju K C (Asso Prof, Applied Science Dept) highlighted the objectives and outcomes of the programme. After that Dr Sunitha C (Vice Principal) addressed the gathering and expressed a huge applause to our resource person. A total of 19 external participants from all over the world and 60 internal candidates from Vidya joined the FDP and made our initiative a grand success. The Valedictory Session ended with the vote of thanks by the organizing team of Faculty Development Programme.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulation to Dr Mary, Ms Neenu and the entire EEE Dept on the successful conduct of the program that serves an ideal platform to educate and train the participants about the latest guidelines of NAAC and upgrade about various Criterions and new metrics formed by NAAC !!!