ME Dept conducts one day workshop on Vehicle on Board Diagnosis in association with IEI and BOSCH-VIDYA JCP

The Dept of ME provides distinctive opportunities to elevate the skills and competency levels of students inside and outside the campus by conducting various workshops/ hands on training etc. Vidya Academy of Science & Technology and Bosch limited have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) related to Joint Certification Programme (JCP) including research.

With an aim to fostering employability by bridging the gap between industry demands and academic curriculum, the Dept of ME conducted one day workshop on ‘Vehicle on Board Diagnosis’ in association with Institution of Engineers (India) IEI and BOSCH-VIDYA JCP on 25 January 2024. Mr. Alex Chako (Asst Prof, ME Dept) welcomed the gathering. Dr Rakesh Hari (HoD, ME Dept) delivered inaugural speech. Dr Sooraj K Prabha (Prof, ME Dept) offered felicitiation. An interactive session with students to describe the technical aspects of mechanical engineering was handled by Mr. R Shankar (Asst Prof, ME Dept)

Mr Prathap Pradeep (Bosch South Indian Regional Trainer) served as the resource person.Special training developed by BOSCH on Vehicle Diagnosis for the technical students to understand the complexity of modern vehicles and its systems was done by the resource person.

Almost 100 students from different polytechnic colleges participated in the workshop. Programme ensured hands on experience with the latest equipment facilitated by Bosch limited, a global leader innovation. Lab visit was also arranged for the participants.

Mr Vishnu Shaji (Asst Prof, ME Dept) co-ordinated the session.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulation to Dr Rakesh, Mr Vishnu and all involved on the successful conduct of this worthy session that provides a perfect platform to facilitate the younger minds to envisage and help the student to get the hands on experience on the vehicle system diagnosis and troubleshooting !!!