CE HoD and student publish paper in International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts

Vidya students make commendable efforts to gain knowledge and a deep understanding of their respective fields.

The technical paper authored by Alphy Anto (S8, CE Dept) under the guidance of Dr Abhilasha P S (Prof and HoD, CE Dept) has been published in the International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), Volume 12,Issue 04, April 2024.

The paper is available at https://www.ijcrt.org/viewfull.php?&p_id=IJCRT24A4930.

In this paper, the performance of bamboo-reinforced concrete and its durability are discussed. Bond strength, Shear strength, Water absorption, Durability, Flexural strength, Elastic modulus, toughness, and Impact resistance of bamboo-reinforced concrete are also studied in this paper.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulations to Dr Abhilasha and Alphy on this commendable triumph that motivates resilience insistence, and fostering a transformative drive of development !!!