Befitting farewell to Dr Ramani Bai (Professor, HoD, CSE Dept) by Heads of Departments

The farewell ceremony will always a poignant and unforgettable occasion. The Heads of Departments together bid a farewell function to Dr Ramani Bai (Professor, HoD, CSE Dept) on 27 June 2024.

The heads of academic departments arranged the function.They highlighted Dr Ramani Bai’s valuable contribution to the college and hard times to perform their jobs better by working as a team toward achieving the objectives of Vidya.

As a symbol of their affection and comradeship, gifts were presented to Dr Ramani Bai. Dr Ramani Bai appreciated everything they have done as a team, and conveyed her best wishes to all to prepare young talents designed for the world of tomorrow.

All the best Dr Ramani Bai !!!