VICT Chairman  Mr Sabu Soumian and  Secretary  Mr Manu Reghurajan visit Vidya

Vidya achieves remarkable accomplishments  in providing quality education to our students over the last 21 years in line with our vision “Progress Through Education”.

Strengthening of ties between the college and the management,Vidya International Charitable Trust (VICT) and for Identification of areas for further development and growth, Mr Sabu Soumian  (Chairman, VICT) and Mr Manu Reghurajan (Secretary,VICT) paid a visit to Vidya’s campus on 29 August 2024.The Chairman offered their great sense of appreciation to all Vidya Staff Members for their commitment and insight that immensely helped to take further the esteemed legacy of Vidya.

The Chairman also focused on the  important areas like Education, placement, industry interactions, internships, alumni interactions etc for ensuring the graduates from Vidya to become industry ready.

To explore further progress and expansion strategies for the college, Mr Sabu and Mr Manu  interacted with the heads of academic Departments,  senior  faculty members gaining valuable insights into Vidya’s achievements and confronts. Both of them made a campus tour to the  infrastructure and facilities available in the campus. The Chairman assured support for the college’s growth and development on their visit to Central Library, Playground etc .

The Chairman stressed on the area of developments such as  Research initiatives to be expanded with industry partnerships, Faculty Development Programs to be enhanced with external collaborations. The Secretary gave a brief about Exploration of new opportunities for collaboration and expansion, necessity of more alumni interactions and further developments.

The Chairman and the Secretary  congratulated  the co-ordiators of VIBE  (Vidya Initiative for Better Engineering) and team for the team work extended by all Vidya staff members that evolved into recognition as a notable Engineering college .

Various club and initiate co-ordinators and heads including that of Vidya Student Support Cell (VSSC), placement  presented their ideas, showcasing the students’ further growth and career advancement.

The discussions and announcements made during the visit have keyed up the college community, paving the way for added development and progress.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity to express our heartfelt gratitude to the Chairman and the Secretary  for their  valuable visit to Vidya Campus that acts as a catalyst in taking Vidya  to greater heights through collaborative efforts,dedication and perseverance of all members of  Vidya fraternity !!!