3-day internship program in Machine Learning by ECE Dept

The ECE Dept. of the College organised a three-day internship program in Machine Learning during 5 – 7.01.2018 for the S7 B Tech (ECE) students. Around 15 students participated in the program. The activities of the program shall be completed only after a visit to KELTRON Controls, Aroor.

During a brief inaugural ceremony, Mr Ramesh C R (Asst Prof  & Internship Co-ordinator, ECE Dept) explained the need and importance of internships in the current scenario. Er Poly M  V, Senior Engineer, KELTRON Knowledge Services Group (KSG), gave a motivational talk and officially inaugurated the programme.

The various theoretical and practical sessions in the programme were handled by a team from KELTRON consisting Mr Sivahari Nandakumar, Senior Engineer, KELTRON KSG, Ms  Jasmi A, Senior Engineer, KELTRON KSG, Mr Sudheesh V S and Mr Hareesh Kumar N, Academic Executives, KELTRON KSG.

Day 1 (05.01.2018)

On the first day, the students had a brief journey through the basic concepts of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. This was followed by detailed discussions on supervised and unsupervised learning strategies, regression and classification methods. All the topics were explained with hands on sessions using various open-source tools.

Day 2 (06.01.2017)

During the the second day, there were theory and practical sessions covering linear regression with multiple variables, hypotheses, cost functions and gradient descent estimation for multi-variate linear regressions, feature scaling and mean normalization. The practical sessions were conducted in the Python programming environment.

Day 3 (05.01.2018)

On the third and final day, there were detailed discussions on types of classifiers under supervised learning. A sentimental analysis on tweet data was performed using features of polarity score and emoji score and concluded with an introduction to Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency (If-Idf) concepts.

The entire programme was concluded by a special session by Mr Shalom David, Engineer, KELTRON – KSG, in which he discussed the current employment status of graduates in India and on how to face the future with confidence. He concluded his talk thus: “Opportunity comes; it is we who have to grab it; none else can do a favour for us” and “Today onwards look to yourself and search for what makes you different from your neighbour.” Mr Ramesh C R conveyed the heartfelt thanks to the entire team from KELTRON-KSG who was there in the College for the period from 03.01.208 to 08.01.2018. Ms. Niranjana Unnikrishnan, participant of the programme, gave an open feedback on behalf of all the participants and also conveyed the gratitude and thanks to all the gurus for sharing their knowledge.
