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The Kerala Start-up Mission (KSUM) has sanctioned an amount of Rs. 2.5 lakhs as “productization grant” to a team of Vidya’s alumni Aftab Ashraf A V, Aishwarya Pradip, Aiswarya Rajeev, Akash Sathian P S and Anjali P (all students of B Tech ECE 2018 pass-out batch). The team has founded a start-up company Tallshortree Pvt Ltd whichh was incubated at IIM Bangalore. The start-up is focused on developing a non-invasive hemoglobin tester “b-Hue”.
The ECE Dept of the College should be proud of the fact that it was the mentoring and continued support extended by Mr Rakesh V S and Mr Ramesh C R (Assistant Professors, ECE Dept) that helped these alumni to reach the positions now they hold.
Through this grant, the Kerala Start-up Mission has provided another valuable help to Tallshortree by connecting them to BRINC, a hardware accelerator which helps founders of strat-ups to build technology businesses through its accelerator programs, services and sales support through connected solutions.
Kerala Start-up Mission impressed with the progress of the startup
“Based on the second review of 14th idea day, we are quite impressed with progress your startup is making and look forward to many success stories from you in the near future.We are also happy to inform you that based on the multiple rounds of evaluation, you are selected for productization grant of 2.5 lakhs.” – Ms Lekshmy P S, Kerala Startup Mission
Let us shout at the top of our lungs ! “Vidya is the Greatest”!
Read the success story of b-Hue
(from News & Events dated 15 August 2018)
This is an event that should be literally recorded in golden letters in the history of Vidya Academy of Science & Technology. The announcement of the selection of Vidya’s five member team as an Incubatee at NSRCEL@IIM Bangalore with a cash award of Rs 20 lakhs for establishing a startup company in the Grand Finale of the India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2017 should make every member of Vidya family proud of Vidya Academy of Science & Technology. It is a moment when every person in Vidya feels like shouting at the top his/her lungs the message “Vidya is the Greatest”. Vidya is the Greatest indeed!
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