Vidya’s team gets appreciation from IIT Bombay for its performance in e-Yantra

They won recognition and appreciation from IIT Bombay!

They have been awarded a coveted Merit Certificate for their commendable performance in the Task Based Training Challenge (TBT Challenge) organised by IIT Bombay as part of the e-Yantra initiative. e-Yantra is an initiative of IIT Bombay sponsored by MHRD under the National Mission on Education through ICT program. The team comprising of Mr Ramesh C R, Mr Rakesh V S, Ms Jemy Jose Kakkassery (all AP’s in ECE Dept) and Mr Arun Xavier (AP, EEE Dept) was awarded the Merit Certificate for successfully completing all the tasks in the TBT Challenge and also for doing significantly well in all assigned tasks. Merit Certificates are awarded to the top performers based on the evaluation criteria mentioned in the rulebook.

A video of the task demonstration


