Webinar on “Career Choices and Planning During Recession”
The Training and Placement Department of Vidya jointly T.I.M.E. Thrissur organised a
n online session on “Career Choices and Planning During Recession” on 26 September 2020. The programme was targeted at the 2021 and 2022 pass out batches of Vidya.
Mr Diju Jose, Centre Director, T.I.M.E., Thrissur, who was the principal speaker of the webinar, enlightened the participants about the following:
- Importance of planning the career during the recession times.
- Exploring different career choices and relevance of starting early preparation.
- Leveraging Technology & Management (Techno Management).
- Need for developing diverse skill sets.
- Why MBA is considered as a recession-proof career option.
The session which began at 11:00 am was followed by an interactive question and answer session. About 170 final year and pre-final year students participated in the webinar.