“Exploring Contemporary Research Methodology in CSE: A Deep Dive into Effective Techniques and Strategies”

On September 11, 2021, at 7:00 PM, an insightful webinar titled “Exploring Contemporary Research Methodology in CSE: A Deep Dive into Effective Techniques and Strategies” was conducted by Dr. Ramani Bai V,Head of the Department CSE. The webinar aimed to delve into modern research methodologies relevant to Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and provide participants with valuable insights and strategies for conducting effective research.

The webinar on “Exploring Contemporary Research Methodology in CSE” facilitated by Dr. Ramani Bai V provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of modern research techniques and strategies relevant to the field of Computer Science and Engineering. By delving into effective research design, data collection, analysis, and innovative research approaches, participants were equipped with valuable insights to enhance their research endeavors. The interactive nature of the webinar fostered meaningful engagement and knowledge exchange among participants, contributing to a collaborative learning experience. Overall, the webinar served as a valuable platform for faculty members and M.Tech scholars to deepen their understanding of research methodology and advance their research pursuits in the dynamic domain of CSE. Approximately 30 participants, including faculty members and M.Tech scholars