Happy farewell, dear students!
It was a day when the students had intense mixed feelings: at one moment the students felt delighted because their arduous journey through the rigours of the curriculum had to come an end, and at the same moment they felt gloomy because they were about to leave the College they so dearly loved and adored. The occasion was the farewell ceremony organized by the pre-final year students to their seniors who would soon be stepping out of Vidya. The pre-final year students organized the elegant ceremony to bid farewell to their seniors on 03 June 2022.
The programme was not a college event. The various Depts organised the event separately in separate venues. The students of CE Dept organized the programme in the North Block Courtyard, CSE Dept in the Main Seminar Hall, ECE Dept in the South Block Courtyard, EEE Dept in the South Block Drawing Hall, ME Dept in the College Auditorium, PE Dept in the North Block Classroom, and MCA Dept in the South Block Seminar Hall.
All the attendees who spoke on the occasion, commended the outgoing students for smoothly taking on responsibilities and setting a remarkable example for their juniors despite the situation around them. The pre-final year students wished their seniors good luck. They also enlivened the ceremony with singing, dancing, motivational speeches and by felicitation talks. The Head, faculty and staff of the Depts attended the ceremony in their respective venues.
One could sense a lot of emotion and nostalgia among students one watched them taking photographs and capturing images at the different corners of the college.
The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya family in wishing all our outgoing students happiness and success in all future endeavours. Let every ‘Vidyaite’ be a good ambassador of Vidya! |
Detailed reports from Departments |
MCA Department
The MCA Dept organized a solemn and endearing farewell party for the outgoing students of the department on 03 June 2022. Final year students were cordially received to the farewell programme by the staff members and junior students of the dept. Dr Reji C Joy (Asso Prof and Head-in-charge, MCA Dept) presided over the function. Group tutors of the batch, Ms Aparna S Balan and Mr Manesh D, shared their vivid memories with the students. The other staff members also spoke on the occasion and wished all the best for the outgoing students. The final year students shared their fond memories about the Dept. The formal function was followed by cultural activities arranged by junior students.

CE Department: “Padiyirakkam”
On 3 June 2022, the third year CE students conducted “Padiyirakkam“, a farewell programme for the final year students of the Dept. The began at 12:30pm. Ananya of S6 CE A was the host of the day. Dr Justin Jose (Prof and Head, CE Dept) and tutors of both the final year batches shared their thoughts and happy moments with their dear students. The outgoing students also shared their memories of the days they spent in the Dept. There were cultural events and games to entertain the outgoing students.
ME Department: “Kabhi Alvidha Na Kehana”
“Kabhi Alvidha Na Kehana”, a farewell party for the B Tech (ME) 2018 – 22 batch, was held as a grand event at college auditorium on the afternoon of 3 June 2022. The event was organized by the students of the S6 B Tech (ME) batches. The farewell was heart touching one for all especially for the outgoing students. .
The program started after a grand farewell lunch followed by Dr Ramachandran N (Prof and head, ME Dept) addressing the audience. Tutors Dr Vineetha, Mr Biju P V, Mr Praveen A P, Mr Anil Paul and Mr Vishnu Shaji shared their experience and delivered messages of best wishes with them. Outgoing students also shared their experiences during their years in Vidya.Various cultural programs and fun games were performed. A montage video and a tribute video were also presented.
EEE Department
The EEE Department Association organized a farewell programme for the final year students in a grand manner. The programme started at 1.00 PM with a lunch organized by pre-final year students. The official send off function was conducted in the South Block Drawing Hall. The programme began with a prayer by Brindha Shaju (S6 EEE) followed by welcome address by Athul Suresh (S6 EEE) and address by Dr Mary P Varghese (Head-in-charge, EEE Dept). Group tutors of the outgoing students and other staff members shared their experiences with the outgoing batches. Various cultural programs and games were organised in which the final year students participated actively. Final year students shared their valuable memories of their college life. Program came to an end by 4.00 PM with sweet memories to cherish with a vote of thanks by Vinay (S6 EEE).
CSE Department: “Sayonara”
Farewell ceremony of the CSE Dept named “Sayonara” was conducted for the B Tech (2018-2022) batch and for the M Tech (2020-2022) batch on 3 June 2022 at ECE Seminar Hall. The Head of the CSE Dept Dr Ramani Bai, faculty and staff of the CSE and Applied Sciences Depts, and students attended the programme.
The programme began with a prayer by Shwetha T P and Susan Wilson (S6 CSE-B) followed by a welcome dance by Arya A J and Amritha Anand (S6 CSE-A). The programme was anchored by Joshna Joshy and Gayathri Satheeshkumar (S6 CSE-A). The programme was officially inaugurated by lighting the traditional lamp. Dr Ramani Bai, Dr Beena M V (Program Coordinator and M Tech Tutor), Mr Guruprasad S (Program Student Coordinator), Ms Ayana Ajith (B Tech CSE-A Tutor) and Ms Remya P C (B Tech CSE-B tutor) were present to do the honors.
During the celebrations, Dr Ramani Bai shared with students some of the best experiences she had with the pass out batch. She said she felt happy about the achievements and accomplishments of the students in the campus and wished them a happy life ahead with a bright career. Ms Ayana Ajith, Ms Remya P C and Dr Beena M V (M Tech Tutor) addressed the students with their inspiring words. Despite the gap created by Covid, all the students were very much attached to their tutors. They advised the students to have constant determination and control to never look back into things in life. They also encouraged the students that the past must always be considered as a lesson. Looking ahead on their upcoming projects they advised them to remain optimistic in life while they take up new projects, assignments, and challenges in personal/ professional life. They blessed the students for a successful life.
A few representatives of the outgoing students also shared their experiences and memories of their experiences in the College.
This was followed by group dances by S6 B batch students. Candle exchange ceremony was also conducted where seniors handed over lit candles to their juniors which symbolized the exchange of good thoughts and ideals they had imbibed from their seniors. The highlight of the programme was DJ which was conducted by Rohith (S6 CSE B). The programme came to an end by 4 pm.
The vote of thanks was proposed by Joshna at the end of the programme.
ECE Department: “MA’ A SALAAMA”
On 3 June 2022, the third year ECE students conducted “MA’ A SALAAMA“, a farewell programme for the final year students of the Dept. The programme began at 12:30pm. Sooraj of S6 ECE B was the host of the
day. Dr Swapna Kumar (Prof and Head, ECE Dept) and tutors of the final year batches of both B Tech and M Tech shared their thoughts and happy moments with their students. The outgoing students also shared
their memories of the days they spent in the Dept. There were cultural events and games to entertain the outgoing students.
The end! |