VSEC Student Volunteers showcase their talents as Resource Persons
Vidya provides every possible opportunity for the students to use their classroom learning for expressing creative ideas. Vidya also involves the students in the programs not as spectators but as contributors by showcasing their talents being Resource Persons.
With this motto, Vidya Social empowerment Center (VSEC) organized an internal talk on “Sustainability and Energy Conservation” on 2nd July 2022. VSEC Student Volunteers, Mr. Sakthi S (S4 ECE Dept), Mr. Jesto K J (S4 ECE Dept), and Mr Sanjo P Rejin (S4 ECE Dept) showcased their capabilities as resource persons during the session. VSEC Student Volunteers attended the program. This session marks the beginning of developing and exhibiting the talent of being a resource person.
The session
Suraj Shaju M (S2 EEE Dept) welcomed all to the program which was followed with a prayer by Krishnaveni (S2 ECE Dept). The session began with Mr Sakthi S who gave a detailed explanation on the need to conserve our planet and stressed on the tips and importance to lead a sustainable life. Mr Jesto K J handled the topic ‘Energy Conservation’ and gave an overview about Power factor, Meter reading, Charging devices, BEE star label,Leeds certification etc. Mr Sanjo P Regin gave an overview about the topic and summarized all at one go. Feedbacks on the session were given by Mr Sinan Sulaiman (S2, ME Dept), Mr Midhun Joshy (S2, EEE Dept), Miss Evelina Rose Joju (S4, CSE Dept). The participants included 28 VSEC student Volunteers and 5 Faculty Members.
Mr Alex C Chacko (Asst Prof, ME Dept) gave valuable suggestions for improvements on the session. With the concluding remarks by Dr Siju K C (Head of VSEC), the session came to an end by 12.30 pm. Overall, the session was found to be informative and inspiring.