PTA Annual General Body Meeting 2023

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) of Vidya has made every endeavor in terms of going an  extra mile with the objective of nurturing righteous relationship among the parents, teachers and students with the shared mission of ‘Each Student, One Voice’. 

The PTA has been extending  immense support  for the academic and infrastructural growth of Vidya and bridging the space among the students’ home and the institution. 

A General Body meeting of PTA was held on 28 January 2023 at 9.30 am in the college auditorium. The scholarships to regular and LET students of  B Tech (2020-24 Batch) were presented to the selected meritorious students.The class toppers were also honored during the occasion.

The meeting was started with a welcome address by Mr Manesh D (Vice President, PTA and  Asst Prof, MCA Dept). Ms Nisha Valsan Nair (President, PTA) presided over the meeting.In the Principal’s Address, Dr Saji C B (Principal) reminisced the PTA’ s contribution for the overall benefit of  our student community. Mr Suresh Lal (Executive Director) addressed the gathering and conveyed great sense of appreciation to the PTA members for their unconditional support.

 Mr Ramesh K V (Secretary PTA and Asso Prof, Physical Education Dept) presented  the synopsis of the activities undertaken by the PTA. Mr Krishnakumar M (Treasurer, PTA and  Asst Prof, EEE Dept) then presented the audited financial report of the PTA.During the session of the Farewell to Outgoing PTA President & executive members, Dr Saji C B (Principal) appreciated the PTA members for their rock-solid support at all times.Dr Sudha Balagopalan (Dean Academics) spoke about the crucial role that our PTA plays by bringing together parents and teachers towards a common goal.

Parents were encouraged to provide input in making Vidya the best through their involvement in our college committees and opportunities to volunteer. Election of executive members was also held. Ms Nisha K N (Vice President) proposed  vote of thanks.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulation to all our proud students on this remarkable feat and great sense of appreciation to the PTA Executive Team for their great contribution, and commitment !!!