Vidya alumni re-unite in the nest for AVA Annual General Body Meeting 2023

A memorable return to a place that shaped the destiny of one’s own life!!!

 Meeting old friends who have united from different locations  and sharing their life experiences with each other made an unforgettable day to our valued alumni on 03 June 2023.

The purpose of  Association of  Vidya Alumni (AVA) is to maintain a strong bond between the alumni and their alma matters. AVA also aims at  building a bridge between current students and alumni to face the current challenges of competitive professional world. 

The Annual General Body Meeting 2023 was held on 03 June 2023 to discuss on various topics to be taken by AVA to achieve its vision and suggestions were invited for better functioning system of the association.Group discussions were held amongst present participants to discuss about steps.

Mr Ajin Aravind (Vice President, AVA) delivered welcome address. Presidential Address was given by Dr Saji C B  (Principal, President AVA) . The new website  that  alumni can register themselves and remain appraised of a wide  range of activities was launched by Dr Saji C B. In his speech, Dr Saji added the contribution, and support in the activities of the AVA and the website will facilitate us work collectively to take Vidya ahead in the years to come. Ms Fetsy K Francis (Secretary, AVA, Asst Prof, ECE Dept) presented the Annual and  Financial Report. Most of the attendees  shared their visionary views on the dais during interactive sessions. Ms Vandana V (Treasurer, AVA, Asst Prof, CE Dept) proposed vote of thanks.Following the completion of tenure period,the list of new executive Committee members was presented. 

The following young entrepreneurs honored  for Alumni Startups during the meeting :-

1 Mr Joe S Kolengaden 2015-19 Batch, CSE Dept Chief Executive Officer Winter Lights India
2 Mr Rahul Vincent  2016-20 Batch, ECE Dept Co-founder, Director & Chief Technology Officer Estro Tech Robotics & Innovations Pvt.Ltd.
3 Mr Sreyas Namboodiri  2016-20 Batch, ECE Dept Web Development Head Estro Tech Robotics & Innovations Pvt.Ltd.
4 Mr Bharath Narayanan T  2017-21 Batch, ECE Dept Senior Software Developer Estro Tech Robotics & Innovations Pvt.Ltd.
5 Ms Poornima  B  2017-21 Batch, ECE Dept HR Mananger Estro Tech Robotics & Innovations Pvt.Ltd.
6 Mr Jafad V J 2017-21 Batch, CE Dept Chief Executive Officer VJ Cnstructions

The students from D’Medley (Music Club of Vidya) and D’Addiction (Dance Club of Vidya) exhibited  their talents with mesmerizing  performances and all the attendees enjoyed the pure bliss moments that added  sheen to AGM celebrations.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity  in extending hearty appreciations to  all our valued ambassadors for their time and effort in creating some grand memories that shaped priceless and unexplainable experience for the path of life !!!