GDSC VAST conducts session on Get Started with Go

Google Developer Students Club (GDSC) is building its way as one of the best platforms for budding engineers. GDSC Club VAST conducted a session christened ‘Get Started with Go’ on 27 February 2024. Mr Aadithye N (2019-23 Batch, CSE Dept) now working as an Associate Engineer at Litmus7 handled an interesting session on ‘Get Started with Go’. The session was conducted through Google Meet at 7 PM and the commencement of the event started with a silent prayer.

Mr Jesto K ( Lead, GDSC VAST, S8 ECE Dept) formally welcomed everyone to the session and Dr Ramani Bai (HoD, CSE CSE Dept) addressed the gathering. She emphasised on the importance of opening the minds to every new piece of knowledge that lays around us and also made it a point to express her gratitude to Aadithye, for being able to be a role model for his alma matter. Ms Mithu Varghese (Asst Prof., CSE Dept and Faculty Advisor, GDSC VAST) also extended her appreciation to the resource person.

The session was then take over by Aadithye. He shed the light on the benefits of learning any new programming language and started from the basics of Go. He talked about the advantageous features of Go, like dynamic type variable declaration, its libraries along with many other such points. By the end of the session, the attendees definitely had a brief idea about the overview of Go programming language and were confident enough to apply this knowledge elsewhere.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending heartiest congratulations to Ms Aadithye on the successful conduct of the session that helps in uplifting the value of GDSC and to shape students to stand out their careers and contribute positively !!!