Industrial visit enabled CE S6 students to understand and experience actual work environments

To realize and understanding the actual work atmosphere, an Industrial Visit was conducted at Banasura Sagar Dam, Wayanad to S6 CE students during 06-08 March 2024.

The Industrial Visit of S6 CE was  started on 06 March 2024 with students faculty members  Ms. Payal Das (Asst Prof, EEE Dept) and Ms. Anu Maria Antony (Asst Prof, EEE Dept).

Banasura Sagar dam is a part of the Indian Banasura Sagar project consisting of a dam and a canal project started in 1979. The major objective of this project is to support the Kakkayam hydroelectric power project and satisfy the demand for irrigation and drinking water in a region known to have water shortages in a seasonal dry period. All these were well explained by the officials . The project is a scaled up version of the 10 kW floating solar project which was inaugurated in Banasura Sagar reservoir itself in January 2016. Officials of Thiruvananthapuram-based Adtech Systems Ltd, which set up the plant, said that the plant would be able to generate 7.5 lakh units of power annually which will be fed to the KSEB grid using underwater cables.

• Floating solar power plant is best suited where the land availability is an issue and the land cost is escalating.
• Conventional land based solar power plant requires a large area about 4 to 5acres of land to produce 1MW of energy
• Further this land can be normally used for any other purposes. Also cleaning the power plant requires more water which i s also a problem considering the availability of water.
• By using the floating power plant where the solar PV panels are placed over the
float in the water body can address the issue of land, the water requirement of cleaning the PV modules.

There the production of huge granite slabs was seen at “Asian Granites’, Chickmanglur.As granite has high due to its cost effectiveness, the industry was very lively. Raw mined granite in the form of giant blocks were seen. Huge gang saw and block saw was used to cut these slabs.

Hearty congratulations to all involved !!!