Industrial Visit of S6 EEE Students explores new learning experiences in Renewable Energy

To get a feel of  real work environment, an industrial Visit was conducted to S6 EEE students during 14-17 March 2024.

Students from the Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) department of S6, along with their group tutors, Ms Sheeja G (Asst Prof, EEE Dept) and Mr. Rajesh S K (Asso Prof, EEE Dept), embarked on an enlightening industrial visit to the renowned Banasura Sagar Dam in Wayanad on 14 March 2024. The excursion was not just a routine trip but an immersive experience into the realm of renewable energy, focusing on the groundbreaking floating solar project and rooftop solar initiatives spearheaded by the Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB).

The centerpiece of their exploration was the Banasura Sagar Dam, home to the first and largest floating solar project in the country. Commissioned in December 2017, this project stands as a beacon of innovation in utilizing non-conventional energy sources to address the persistent power crisis. Costing ?9.25 crore, with support from the government and NABARD, this venture showcases the state’s commitment to sustainable energy solutions.

The officials highlighted the sigificance and urgency for Kerala to tap into renewable energy, especially considering its reliance on other states for 70% of its energy needs. Despite this, the government remains optimistic about averting power cuts, thanks to initiatives like the floating solar project. The power generated here is seamlessly integrated into the KSEB grid, contributing significantly to the state’s energy independence. The floating solar plant, a scaled-up version of an earlier 10 kW project, boasts impressive efficiency attributed to its unique location on the reservoir. Generating approximately 7.5 lakh units of power annually, it harnesses the moderating effect of water bodies on panel temperature, enhancing overall performance. With a sophisticated setup including high-efficiency solar panels, a floating substation, transformers, inverters, and a SCADA system, this project exemplifies cutting-edge technology in renewable energy infrastructure.

In addition to the floating solar project, the students also gained insights into rooftop solar initiatives pioneered by KSEB Mananthavady. These initiatives underscored the board’s holistic approach towards harnessing solar energy, promoting decentralized power generation, and reducing dependency on traditional grids. The industrial visit provided a valuable learning experience for the S6 EEE students, offering a firsthand glimpse into the practical application of their theoretical knowledge in the field of renewable energy. As they returned to their academic pursuits, armed with newfound understanding and inspiration, they are poised to become torchbearers in the transition towards a greener, more sustainable future.

Hearty appreciations to all involved !!!