CSE Faculty member and students present paper in the fourth National Conference on Recent Innovations in Computer and Information Technology (RICIT 24)

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It is with much pride and honor , the Dept of CSE is sharing the news that, Adnan Mohamed Rias (S8 CSE Dept), Deepak Nair V P (S8 CSE Dept) and Anoop Vikram V T (S8 CSE Dept) along with Ms Anitha L (Asst Prof, CSE Dept) presented a paper titled “Advancements In Automated Resume Assessment: A Comprehensive Survey” during the fourth National Conference on Recent Innovations in Computer and Information Technology (RICIT 24) held at College of Engineering Perumon, Kollam during 18 – 19 April 2024.

Under the guidance of Ms Anitha and with active participation from the group members , they presented different methodologies for resume parsing. Also discussed a wide range of approaches and techniques employed in automated resume parsing and ranking. The advantages and limitations of each technique is also summarized. They could also emphasize the importance in streamlining recruitment, reducing manual efforts, and improving talent acquisition efficiency.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty appreciations to Ms Anitha, Adnan, Deepak and Anoop on the brilliant presentation and achievement that embraces study with passion !!!