Online class attendance: Bisjo and Binjo confuse teachers!

Here is an amusing story from the teachers in the ME Dept!

While online study in engineering colleges in the state is progressing smoothly some teachers in Vidya are facing an unusual situation while recording attendance of students. Bisjo and Bincho are twin brothers now in  the sixth semester of B Tech programme. Both are attending online classes regularly and are listening to class using  a laptop. The class roll numbers are also close by. While taking the attendance of the students, the teachers are genuinely confused to determine the identity of the students: Whose voice is whose? The online class in the college is progressing in the Google classroom. The students say the lessons are easier to learn when listening to class together. They both studied in the same class from first standard to engineering. Teachers in ME Dept  say they expect the two to get jobs at the same company after graduation.


Dr Ramachandran N

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