Surveillance inspection of ISO 9001:2015 standards completed

To verify the continuing suitability and effectiveness of the management system, as well as its continuing aptness and applicability in the field of certification, the certifying agency Bureau Veritas (India) Pvt. Ltd (Certification Business) conducted a certification audit in Vidya during 06 -07 February 2024.

All the academic and non-academic departments of the college underwent a detailed auditing to check whether the different process were being carried out as per the clauses in ISO 9001:2015 Standards by a team of auditors from Bureaus Veritas. Bureau Veritas, the ISO certifying agency, conducts, Surveillance Audits every year to ensure that the institution is complying with the provisions of the ISO Standards.

The ISO Standards related activities were co-ordinated by Dr Susanth C (MR, Asso Prof, AS Dept) and Mr Sajay K R (AMR, Asso Prof, MCA) and Mr Biju P V (AMR Asso Prof, ME Dept) along with the support from entire staff members of Vidya.