Workshop on Opportunities in Entrepreneurship

One day Workshop on Opportunities in Entrepreneurship was conducted on 18/03/2022 Dr. Sudha Balagopalan, Dean Academics, VAST  served as the resource person of the session. The session was organized Electrical & Electronics Engineering in association with IEDC cell ,VAST.

The objective of the session was to provide participants with a foundational understanding of the Entrepreneurship and its opportunities. The fundamentals of entrepreneurship serve as the cornerstone for individuals venturing into the dynamic world of business creation. At its core, entrepreneurship embodies the spirit of innovation and vision, where aspiring entrepreneurs craft novel ideas to address market needs. This journey begins with a deep dive into market research, understanding the target audience, and analyzing the competitive landscape. Armed with this knowledge, entrepreneurs formulate robust business plans, outlining their goals, strategies, and financial projections. Legal considerations, such as choosing the right business structure and obtaining necessary permits, ensure a solid foundation for operation. Effective branding and marketing strategies then come into play, carving out a unique identity in a crowded marketplace. Sales tactics and customer service excellence further cement the business’s foothold, fostering loyalty and growth. Yet, the entrepreneurial path is not without its challenges, demanding resilience, adaptability, and a keen eye for risk management.
