Vidya Sports Outreach Summer Camp began with great vigor and enthusiasm

To provide sports outreach, education and training for school students, the Department of Physical Education is conducting ‘Vidya Sports Outreach Summer Camp’ for school students. In the phase one, camp is slated from 12 April – 12 May 2024.

A total of 37 school students benefiting facilities and hospitality offered by the Department of Physical Education, VAST.

The camp is co-ordinted by Mr Ramesh K V (Asso Prof, Phy. Edn Dept) and Ms Arundhathi Sasikumar (Asst Prof, Phy.Edn Dept) with the support of student volunteers 

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty appreciations to Mr Rames, Ms Arundhathi Sasikumar and the student volunteers and wishing all the very best to provide a positive environment where young athletes can nurture in sports along with the fortitude of right sportsmanship’ !!!