IEEE Membership Development Campaign (MDC) Programme

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world’s largest technical professional organization, with members including engineers, scientists, and other professionals. IEEE focusses on advancing technology and innovation areas in key engineering domains. IEEE develops standards that can become national and international standards. The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) develops global standards for industries like power and energy, artificial intelligence and consumer electronics. IEEE publishes journals and is known for its highly cited publications.

Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur hosted the IEEE-Membership Development Campaign (MDC) for current S3 students of VAST on 01 November 2024 in online mode (Google Meet). The aim of the to enhance and strengthen the IEEE activities in the college.

Mr Shone Jose (IEEE student activities Chair, IEEE Kerala Section,Vice-chair, IEEE India Counsil, YP  and student activities) addressed the students. Around 30+ students attended the programme.  The programme started with the welcome address by Mr Santumon S D ( IEEE Faculty Advisor, Asst  Prof, ECE Dept)  followed by the session of the resource person. The resource person clearly explained the importance of IEEE and the advantages of joining in IEEE as a student member. He also explained the different IEEE resources that  students  can access and utilise in their curriculum. He went through the different slides which shows the IEEE activities globally and concluded by a question-answer session. Finally the programme concluded by the vote of thanks session by  Shreya Dilip (Student Counsellor, IEEE VAST, S5, ECE Dept).

The Editorial Team of  News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending heartiest appreciation  to all invoved on the amazing and a fruitful conduct of event that enhances IEEE structures and membership and evolve with current technological trends !!!