d’ Addiction Dance Club of Vidya gets 2nd prize in the prestigious Ragam tech-fest of NIT Calicut

Here is one more reason for Vidya to celebrate. Vidya’s students have shown that they can compete successfully with their peers, not only in academics, but also in the dance and music field also. The d’ Addiction Dance Club of Vidya has secured the Second Prize in the dance competition (non-thematic category) in the techno-cultural fest Ragam 2019 organised by National Institute of Technology, Calicut, during 22 – 24 March 2019.
d’ Addiction Dance Club no strangers to NIT Calicut or its Ragam
Vidya and its d’ Addiction Dance Club are no strangers to NIT Calicut or its Ragam festival. The Club has been regularly performing in the Ragam event for the past several years. It is highly interesting to recall that the Club had secured the First Prize for their performance in 2017 edition of Ragam. Here is an image of the team which won the prize.