ECE students‘ project ‘Revivatron CPR Robot’ creates a center of attention in Print and Electronic media

Cardiac related and other health issues rare a growing concerns nowadays. Sometimes our efforts may be able to bring the person back to life by giving the first aid that can be given to him. The final year students have developed ‘Revivatron CPR Robot’ to provide first aid called CPR to patients who are suffering from cardiac arrest and have given a new ray of hope to mankind.

At times of need, if we can give the right amount of CPR we can bring a person back to life. According to the World Health Organization, 100-120 compressions per minute at a depth of 5 cm from the chest and artificial respiration should be given after every 30 compressions. This should be done until the patient’s heart starts working on its own.

If when carried out manually , it may not be possible to give the correct amount of CPR to the patient . In order to compensate for the difficulty of giving CPR with hands and to reduce the number of manual helpers, the “CPR” robot was developed. The patient’s current heart rate and blood oxygen level are collected with the help of a pulse oximeter from the person’s finger and shown on the robot’s display and sent to the authorized hospital or doctor at 5 second intervals. According to the World Health Organization, the robot is designed to perform100-120 compressions per minute with the help of a robotic arm and an oxygen cylinder is attached to give artificial respiration twice after every 30 compressions.

The robot is designed to be placed in public places, ambulances and malls. Revivatron CPR robot trained person can operate the robot comfortably.

Jitulkrishna V U (S8,ECE Dept), Kumar Singh C S (S8,ECE Dept), Pranav G Nath (S8,ECE Dept), and Shibin P S (S8,ECE Dept) developed this robot. Ms Vandana M (Asst Prof, ECE Dept) and Ms Hima Anna Thomas (Asst Prof, ECE Dept) gave technical advice. Principal Dr Saji CB and Head of Electronics Department Dr S Swapna Kumar gave encouragement.

Since this CPR robot has been found an important place to present the technical uniqueness and research competence, the print and electronic media reported this news with much importance.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulations to Mr Shibin , Mr Jitulkrishna, Mr Kumar Singh, Mr Pranav on this innovative project that places the best opportunity to survive and performs life-saving assistance when in need to increase the possibility of survival !!!

Hearty appreciation to Ms Vandana and Ms Hima for being distinguished mentors with sharp eyes to the team !!!

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