VSEC Student Volunteer puts on display his capacity as Resource Person

Vidya Social Empowerment Center (VSEC) an initiative of Vidya International Charitable Trust aims to empower the pillars of society, namely parents, children, youth, and teachers. An empowered group of Volunteers – Students and Faculty members of VAST has been engaged in streamlining the mission of VSEC, through training and awareness sessions.

VSEC organized an Internal Talk on the topic “Can Money Buy You Happiness?” on 06 September 2023 which was handled by Varundev A V (S5, ECE Dept).The program began with a prayer by Mithra Jayapal (S3, CSE Dept) and Ann Rose Rajan (S3, AIML Dept) followed by an introduction about VSEC by Fathima Nasrin (S3, CSE Dept). The resource person was introduced by Mohammed Ishfaq (S3, CSE Dept) and Farzeena P A (S3 CE Dept) did the anchoring of the programme.

The session was taken over by Varundev, and he did make the audience realize certain aspects of life which can make a difference. Through a touch on real life experiences the topic became more interesting and interactive. Sharing the information from the books “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and “Think and Grow Rich”was thought provoking.

The Feedback for the session was given by Ann Rose Rajan (S3, AIML Dept), Athira Anandan P (S3, CE Dept), Sakthi S (S7, ECE Dept) and Jesto K J (S7, ECE Dept). Dr Siju K C (Head of VSEC and Assistant Professor, AS Dept) concluded the session with her remarks. The vote of thanks was delivered by Jisni P J (S3, CE Dept). Overall the session was quite descriptive and motivating.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya family in extending hearty appreciation to Mr Varundev on this treasured session that to reform an enhanced civilization which will stimulate further VSEC Student Volunteers to stand out  with accolades and to lead the activities of VSEC reaching the zenith !!!