GDSC VAST – Campus Meet Up

The Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) are vibrant hubs of innovation and learning, scattered across educational institutions worldwide.The GDSC VAST held a ‘Campus Meet Up’ on 12 September 2023 at 9.00 AM in the Advanced Computing and Research Lab, CSE Dept. aiming to bring together members of the club and provide them with comprehensive insights into the club’s mission, benefits, and opportunities. Noteworthy guests included Dr. Ramani Bai (HOD, CSE Dept.), and Ms. Mithu Varghese (Asst Prof., CSE Dept and Faculty Advisor, GDSC VAST).

The event also featured the captivating mentalist Abhishek S. Nair (S7 EEE Dept). The event commenced with a warm welcome from the Lead of GDSC VAST, Jesto K J (S7,ECE Dept). He extended his greetings to both the attendees and the distinguished guests. Dr. Ramani Bai and Ms. Mithu Varghese, conveyed their best wishes to the event before departing for other commitments. The event then witnessed a spectacular performance by Abhishek S. Nair. He mesmerized the audience with his astonishing mentalist skills, leaving students in awe. Their enthusiastic responses reflected their appreciation for the mind-bending session. Later Jesto K J took the stage to shed light on the diverse opportunities that GDSC offers to its members. He emphasized the club’s role in nurturing skills and providing platforms for growth. After outlining the club’s history and vision, He then announced the core team for the year 2023-24. Insights into the selection process for leadership positions were also provided, offering students a transparent view of how they could become leaders within GDSC.

Students were introduced to an online resource platform, and was elaborated on the abundant content it provides to assist budding developers in honing their skills. The event’s conclusion saw Anurag Chandra (S7 CSE A and Web Lead, GDSC VAST), Febin Rajan (S7, CSE Dept and Cybersecuirty Lead, GDSC VAST), and Melvin Rijohn T (S7,ECE Dept and Hardware Lead, GDSC VAST) in discussing the upcoming sessions planned by GDSC. They highlighted the benefits students can reap from participating in the upcoming sessions, underscoring the club’s commitment to student development. The GDSC VAST Campus Meet Up was a resounding success, achieving its objective of educating and inspiring members about the club’s potential. With the guidance of Dr. Ramani Bai, Ms Mithu Varghese, and the intriguing performance by Mentalist Abhishek S. Nair, the event set a promising tone for the year ahead. Attendees expressed that they have a clearer understanding of the opportunities GDSC offers and a sense of anticipation for the forthcoming sessions.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulations to GDSC Team members on the successful conduct of the session and wishing All the BEST to set a deep dive into the world of innovation and collaboration ALL THE BEST !!!