Vidya faculty members serve as judges in school annual exhibition ‘NIRMAL EXPO 2023’

Vidya faculty members were invited as judges, in the annual exhibition ‘NIRMAL EXPO 2023’ held at Nirmal Jyothi Central School, Mundur on 09 November 2023.Dr Sreedevi A (Asst Prof, App Sc Dept) and Ms Rejusha T R (Asst Prof, CSE Dept) evaluated and recognized exceptional achievements that have played a vital role in identifying the winners of the ‘NIRMAL EXPO 2023’.

An appreciation note from Sr Mercy Joseph SH (Principal, Nirmal Jyothi Central School) was also received that depicted their expertise evaluation and insights which helped in finding the best projects.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulation to Dr Sreedevi and Ms Rejusha on this commendable feat that helps in shaping the backdrop of recognition, and guarantee that the best of the best are honored !!!