AIML Dept conducts workshop on “Tales in Tech: Unleashing Creativity with AI tools” for school students

Involving in constructive and co -curricular activities will nurture the creativity among students.

With this objective, the Dept of AIML conducted a workshop titled “Tales in Tech: Unleashing Creativity with AI tools”, a hands-on experience for high school students on 10 November 2023. A total of 45 students from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Poochatty participated in the workshop. The workshop aimed to introduce students to the intersection of technology and creativity, specifically focusing on the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools.

Dr Sunitha C (Vice Principal, HoD AIML Dept) welcomed the participants and gave a brief overview of the objectives and the outcomes of the workshop. O Varadha Vijay Menon (S3, AIML Dept) and Winnie Rose (S3, AIML Dept) provided an introduction to AI and its impact on various industries, emphasizing its role as a tool to enhance human creativity. Students were then guided through practical exercises, allowing them to use AI tools to generate art, compose music, and create AI-driven stories. Joise J Arakkal (S3, AIML Dept) and Aarohan V R (S3, AIML Dept) handled these sessions. The session concluded with an AI quiz and the winners were acknowledged with compliments.

The feedback from the participants was excellent, with many expressing interest and confidence in using AI as a creative tool. The AIML department emphasized the importance of ethical considerations in AI-driven creativity, encouraging students to think critically about the impact of these technologies on society and art.

The workshop “Tech Tale: Unveiling Creativity Using AI Tools” by the AIML Dept provided high school students with practical insights into the world of AI-driven creativity and inspired a passion for AI technology.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty appreciation to Varadha, Winnie, Joise and Aarohan on the affluent conduct of the session that harness the influence of Artificial Intelligence to kindle Innovation and infuse the students’ unique thinking journey into the creativity !!!