MCA Spreads Joy at Nirmala Sadan

The Dept of Computer Applications has been organizing charity activities to support the deserving sections of the society that bring a matter of pride and delight for all members involved in this gesture .

The students and staff members of the MCA Department at Vidya College embarked on a mission of kindness as they visited Nirmala Sadan in Edakulathur. This initiative, which has been a tradition for several years, aimed to provide support and companionship to the elderly men and women residing in the home.

Led by Dr Reji C Joy(HoD, MCA) and coordinated by Dr Sajay K R (Asso Prof, MCA) and Ms. Siji K B (Asst Prof, MCA) the group tutors of the S4 MCA batch, the entire staff and students arrived at Nirmala Sadanwith essential daily-need items. These items were procured through funds collected from the students of the current S4 MCA batch, showcasing the department’s commitment to making a meaningful difference in the community.The students and staff members engaged warmly with the residents, spending quality time with them. Activities such as singing, playing games, and sharing conversations brought smiles to the faces of the residents, fostering a sense of companionship and joy.

The visit mainly aimed at the presentation of the daily-need items to the Home in-charge, symbolizing the department’s dedication to providing tangible support to those in need. The office bearers of Nirmala Sadan expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the MCA Department of Vidya College for their kindness and generosity, acknowledging the positive impact of their visit on the residents.

The MCA Department showed the values of empathy, compassion, and community service, leaving a lasting impression on all who were involved.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending Hearty appreciations to entire MCA team on this honorable effort that bids incredible happiness to the most deserving community to revamp the commitment into optimistic attitude !!!