Poignant moment and genial wishes from well wishers to Dr Sudha Balagopalan (Dean-Academics)

Every department, bundle of experiences, and each blend of programs and roles (Lecturer, Professor, Head of the EEE Dept, Principal and Dean-Academics) performed by Dr Sudha Balagopalan (Dean-Academics) who keeps high morale with a perfect sense of meaning and accountability brought unique to Vidya.Her genuineness, faithfulness and all good human values extended towards every member of Vidya were greatly appreciated. As a token of respect and love, different kinds of programs were arranged by her well wishers to bid a farewell.

Dept of Administration

To carry forward the fond memories associated with Dr Sudha, the Dept of Administration organized a function on 22 April 2024. Mr Santhosh C (Office Superintendent), Ms Bindu EVR (Junior Superintendent), Mr Sadanandan P K (Vehicle Supervisor) reminisced their experiences with Dr Sudha and her unwavering spirit and persistent endeavor of being a symbol of excellence while performing her role as Principal and Dean. Mr Sadanandan emotilnally recollected his personal heartening sentiments and her incredible power to open all sorts of doors and shape the life that left an impression on him similar to the one she has left on many people.The administrative staff members cherished their memories and conveyed best wishes to Dr Sudha.

As a gesture of gratitude, a memento was presented to Mr Dr Sudha, symbolizing the their respect and appreciation for her unwavering guidance and magnanimity.

Dr Sudha conveyed her gratefulness and opened up with a wealth of knowledge about rich academic experiences, frontiers of knowledge etc that have been emulated from her role as administrator.

Get together by Heads of Departments

Sailing on Dr Sudha Balagopalan’s own compass represents that it is possible to be honest, genuine and consistently go by confidence on what is right, without ruffling anything  which identifies Dr Sudha a successful academician  an administrator.

The Heads of  Depts organizesd function as a token of  respect and acknowledgement of the laudable and unwavering support that have been  showered by Dr Sudha. The heads of Departments (Dr Sunitha C (Vice Principal and HoD, AIML Dept) Dr Abhilasha P S (CE Dept) , Dr Ramani Bai V (CSE Dept), Dr S Swapna Kumar (ECE, Dept)  Dr Mary P Varghese (EEE Dept), Dr Jiby Jose (AS Dept) and  Dr Reji C Joy (MCA Dept) arranged a get together function to Dr Sudha. They shared several incidents with gratitude and conveyed gratefulness for all the unflagging support and sage advice offered to them and Dr Sudha’s incredible strings of words grabbed many opportunities in technical and non technical field.

They gifted him a memento as a symbol of their affection and reverence for all the wisdom for guidance, motivation extended  by  Dr Sudha. They conveyed  their wishes for contented retired life. Dr Sudha assured all sort of potential support and assistance with an abundance of hope for the future.

Tribute by well wishers 

Comprising of simple mantras of broad shouldering commitments, standing up for associated members , inspiring assurance by always recognizing the team and having the courage to admit mistakes, Dr Sudha Balagopalan (Dean-Academics) stays an inspirational must-read for the younger generation.

Dr Sudha displayed a mixture of professional rectitude and humaneness through the series of incidents she counts . Some of the staff members met and cherished their memories depicting a mixture of proficient rectitude and humanity and presented her some memorable gifts such as photo frame with old memories , paintings, handworks etc.

Every class, every set of experiences, and every combination of sessions taken by Dr Sudha is unique to each student. With an objective of providing an exclusive platform for the Indian Student Community to develop and showcase their technical skill, expertise, innovations and inventions, Dr Sudha had immensely involved many technical activities. As a posture of gratefulness students from various departments presented their token of respect including that of robot model from e waste done by Abhishek Nair (S8, EEE Dept), caricatures , paintings, just to name a few .

Dr Sudha considers this recognition stands as a testament to the collective efforts and commitment to empowering students  through inclusivity, creativity, and innovation to update their knowledge and skills  which depicts  a harmonious balance  both personal fulfillment and professional success.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending earnest gratitude to Dr Sudha – a mixture of professional integrity and humaneness insight into the tapestry of life. Your Commitments to provide quality education and holistic development provided every Vidyaite a window to manifest their unique skills and given wings to receive a confident flight !!!. ALL THE BEST !