CSE Department  organizes farewell to Ms Remya P S, (Asst Prof, CSE Dept)

The CSE Dept organized a farewell ceremony to Ms Remya (Asst Prof, CSE Dept) on 15 May 2024. She started her career in  Vidya on  06 October 2010 . 

Ms Remya, who is an alumna of the college (2005-09 Batch, CSE Dept) has  performed different responsibilities bestowed upon her with great commitment. She has contributed in various capacities including that of convener in various Techfests, college and Dept level programs. She also holds  the role as Executive Committee member in AVA (Association of Vidya Alumni).

All the attendees who spoke on the occasion recalled Ms Remya’s commendable contributions to the development of the Dept. The faculty and staff of the CSE Dept presented a gift to Ms Remya as a token of their tenderness . The tone of Ms Remya’s speech was also closely linked to the Dept culture and she informally sent a good farewell speech.

All the BEST Ms Remya !!!