Principal’s Office arranges farewell function to Dr Ramani Bai (Professor, HoD, CSE Dept)

In an intensely stirring atmosphere, the Principal’s Office organized a function to bid a farewell to Dr Ramani Bai, (Professor, HoD, CSE Dept) on 26 June 2024. Dr Ramani Bai started her career in Vidya on 07 June 2017.

Dr Sunitha C (Principal) and the heads of academic departments attended the function. All the attendees reminisced about Dr Ramani Bai‘s contributions to the overall growth of Vidya and wished good luck for her ventures.

Gifts and mementos were presented as a token of gratitude and respect on behalf of the Principal’s office. Dr Ramani Bai expressed her gratefulness and shred fond memories they made together.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending heartiest wishes to Dr Ramani Bai for all future endeavors with a path full of openings !!!